While the computational power of quantum computers has awesome potential for creating new services and applications, it will soon make the cybersecurity protocols protecting most of the world’s $50 trillion economy obsolete. Scientists concur this threat is both real and imminent.
Hosted by The Quantum Insider and featuring Quantropi and The Quantum Institute, industry experts Brian Lenahan (Founder – The Quantum Strategy Institute) and Quantropi CTO Michael Redding (Co-Founder & former Managing Director, Accenture Ventures) will help organizations prepare for Y2Q – the day quantum computers will break even today’s most sophisticated encryption algorithms.
The exclusive one-hour event – “Preparing Your Enterprise for Y2Q and the Looming Quantum Threat to Cybersecurity” – will be held on November 16th at 11 am EST and will feature a full slate of presentations and live discussions that cover the Y2Q challenge as it pertains to tech and cybersecurity leaders in any organization.
“It’s no longer an option: every organization should take steps to protect against the immediate threat of ‘Steal Now Crack Later’ while starting the transition today to permanent postquantum security,” said James Nguyen, CEO of Quantropi. “The consensus is, any solution must be scalable and address both asymmetric and symmetric encryption to be viable; only Quantropi’s QiSpace™ platform can provide an all-in-one response.”
According to Michael Redding, organizations cannot afford to wait for quantum computers to come into the mainstream – the threat is already real: “There’s growing evidence to suggest groups are collecting encrypted data despite being unable – yet – to break the algorithms securing that information,” said Redding. “Their intent is to hold onto it for now and use a quantum computer at some later moment to hack in. This could leave decades of data, including secrets and sensitive intel, exposed to nefarious hackers.
The Webinar agenda includes:
- State of the quantum industry, enterprise use cases and practical applications
- Preparing networks, products, systems, processes, and employees for the Quantum Threat
- Post Quantum Cryptography and the latest from NIST
- Quantropi QiSpace™ for “TrUE” quantum security
There will also be a live, moderated Q&A period to address audience questions.
For more information and to register for the webinar please follow the link here.