We are excited to announce that we were recognized as runners-up at the Quantum World Congress 2023 Start-Up Pitch competition. Held in Tysons, Virginia, the competition provided an opportunity for start-ups utilizing quantum science and technology to improve the precision and effectiveness of current capabilities, while presenting their concept LIVE to quantum investors and industry experts at this incredible start-up pitch competition.
The start-up pitch competition saw other distinctive start-ups like QuantCAD LLC, Boston Quantum, Quantopticon and the $25K winner BosonQ Psi (BQP) competing against each other in the finals and pitching to be recognised as the premier start-up delivering new functionality for the defence and national security sectors. Quantropi Inc.’s range of products and solutions for the defence and national security sectors protects against the accelerating threat of AI/ML and quantum computing threat to cryptography.

“It was our honour to pitch at the Quantum World Congress 2023 Start-Up Pitch competition and come out as runners-up. Congratulations to the winners, BosonQ Psi (BQP)” said James Nguyen, CEO of Quantropi. “We’re proud to learn that the Quantum World Congress 2023 Start-up Pitch competition panel acknowledged our TrUE quantum-secure cryptography platform – QiSpace™. Our offering addresses challenges and threats to military and national security domains from adversaries with near-term ability to access Quantum Computers and AI/Quantum hybrids, capable of breaking today’s encryption – an eventuality called “Y2Q” by the industry.”
Quantropi’s TrUE Quantum-Secure cryptographic and quantum entropy solutions were hugely appreciated at the Quantum World Congress 2023 Start-up Pitch Competition.
The recognition comes at the time of an extended period of growth for Quantropi, which has raised over $10M USD in seed funding. To date, Quantropi has been granted 10 patents and more pending, and published over 20 peer-reviewed academic papers, including in high-impact journals such as Springer Link and Nature.
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